Exactly 7 Days After Israel And The United States Agreed To The Two State Solution, Hurricane Ian Smashes Florida Causing Catastrophic Destruction

Exactly 7 Days After Israel And The United States Agreed To The Two State Solution, Hurricane Ian Smashes Florida Causing Catastrophic Destruction by Geoffrey GriderĀ for Now The End Begins

Exactly one week after both Israel and the United States agreeing to the Two State Solution at the United Nations, Hurricane Ian hits Florida

As I write this, Hurricane Ian is howling directly overhead, the power in our condo flickers on and off, and I am grateful for the battery backup that keeps my computer running uninterrupted. It was exactly one week ago yesterday that the prime minister of Israel said the Jews are ready to divide their land to create a Palestinian state. It is exactly one week ago today that both Israel and the United States stood before the United Nations General Assembly and declared their support for the Two State Solution. Hurricane Ian has decimated whole sections of the west coast of Florida, is that coincidence, or is the Lord speaking?

ā€œTherefore waitĀ ye upon me, saithĀ the LORD,Ā until the dayĀ that I rise upĀ to the prey:Ā for my determinationĀ isĀ to gatherĀ the nations,Ā that I may assembleĀ the kingdoms,Ā to pourĀ upon them mine indignation,Ā even all my fierce anger: for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy.ā€Zephaniah 3:8 (KJB)

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Hurricane Ian is the first hurricane to hit Florida since 2018, all the other ones either blew away or amounted to nothing. So to have a storm of this magnitude, doing the damage it is doing, exactly one week after both the US and Israel agree to the Two State Solution, to me, is no coincidence. Please pray for all the people who have been, who currently are, and who will be in the path of this deadly storm, that the Lord will be gracious and show mercy. Pray also for Israel and the Jews who, despite the witness of all the prophets, are unwittingly preparing themselves to enter into the time of Jacobā€™s trouble that will begin after the Rapture of the Church takes place.

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