Europe About to Descend into Chaos as Millions Could Die

Europe About to Descend into Chaos as Millions Could Die by Brian Shilhavy, Editor, Health Impact News

Winter is about to descend on Europe, and due to energy shortages and resulting food shortages as well, millions of people’s lives are at stake.

I have often been accused in the past of using “hyperbole” or “exaggeration” in my headlines to promote fear.

But I disagree. I have no editors, bosses, supporters, funders, or anyone else who holds leverage over me as a publisher, and I seek to publish the truth that is often not published elsewhere.

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I have had other publishers in the Alternative Media email me from time to time and write things like: “Hey, that was a great article you wrote, but can you change the headline so we can publish it on our site also?”

No. I will not be censored, at least not willingly. I have had judges, district attorneys and other attorneys, including some of the top law firms in the United States, threaten me if I did not take down certain articles, and I have never once complied, ever.

And I am still publishing today. That’s the way it works when Satan’s minions have no leverage over you, as not even the threat of death would sway me, as I welcome the day I leave this body and sin-cursed world and join my Savior in the Kingdom of God.

If someone were to offer me a choice today, to either continue working and doing the things I am doing in running my two businesses, or to die and exit this life, I would gladly choose to leave this world right now, today, and avoid what is coming down the road.

But that is not my choice to make. It is God’s.

So is Europe about to descend into chaos where potentially millions will die this winter?

For the rest of this article I am going to publish recent news excerpts from other publishers, who may not be bold enough to write a headline like I did for this article, but you decide for yourself if this is hyperbole or not.

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