Satanist Has a Vision of Jesus, Gets Delivered from Addiction and Suicide: ‘I Felt This Love and This Joy from God’

Satanist Has a Vision of Jesus, Gets Delivered from Addiction and Suicide: ‘I Felt This Love and This Joy from God’ by Michelle Wilson for CBN News

By the time he was 19, Sam Bishop had been bounced from home to home, gotten hooked on drugs, and also been kicked out of the Army. More than anything, he wanted control of his spiraling life.

That’s when Sam gave his soul in exchange for the power of Satan.

“It was this sense inside of me like I’d finally, completely dedicated myself to Satan,” he recalls. “When I began to experiment with witchcraft, I began to feel this control. I began to feel like I can manipulate the world around me. I can manipulate the people around me. I’m tired of being stepped on. I’m tired of not being accepted and loved by everybody so I am going to force it to happen.”

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Control – something Samuel Bishop had searched for his entire life. His father was a violent alcoholic who was in and out of prison. His mom was a drug addict raising Sam and his siblings in a rundown trailer.

“Some of my earliest memories, were of roaches crawling on me while I was sleeping. It was just terrible. There was always this feeling of chaos all throughout the household,” he says.

In the midst of the chaos there was something else missing in his life. Love and acceptance. Starting at four-years-old, he’d spend two years in foster care, bouncing from home to home, separated from his family.

“I said, ‘Well if nobody wants to accept me maybe there’s nothing worth accepting in me. If my parents can’t love me, even if they’re messed up and they still don’t love me, what am I really worth?'” he wondered.

By the time Sam was 15, he was living with his dad, using drugs, drinking, and battling depression.

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