The Fog Of The Twilight Zone Invades The Church

The Fog Of The Twilight Zone Invades The Church from Prophecy New Watch

I often feel as though I have ventured into an episode of The Twilight Zone. Rod Serling began his television series in 1959 and those familiar with the show remember Serling’s sense of dystopian fiction that stretched the limits of our imaginations. Who can forget the iconic scenes, plot twists, and bizarre endings?

Life today seems like something that even goes beyond what Rod Serling envisioned for his broadcasts. There’s a vast disconnect between reality and the popular truth that confronts us daily on the mainstream news and social media (via the fact checkers). It makes my head spin!

It’s dystopian fiction at its best, but this time it’s not a TV show depicting a make-believe world; the lies are portrayed as reality and readily believed by mainstream media addicts.

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Janet Yellen, the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, recently bragged about the health of America’s economy. This is gaslighting at its best. Soaring food, fuel, and natural gas prices have stretched many people, especially those on fixed incomes, well beyond their breaking point. And the current crisis in America is just the beginning of the turmoil that many predict will grow steadily worse.

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon recently warned about a coming “economic hurricane” for later this year. He is just one of many voices warning of the coming economic storm for the United States.

I could cite many other examples of where today’s messages on the mainstream and social media do not line up with reality. Some call it “gaslighting” and it’s surely all that. I like the term “dystopian fiction” as a description of the wide gulf between the “popular line” and reality that’s become the fog of living in this Twilight Zone.


Walking into many churches today is also like entering a Twilight Zone. There we hear a message that life is all good and we can experience our “best life now.” Five-year plans are made without even a fleeting thought of Jesus’ imminent appearing or the dark threatening clouds on the horizon.

It’s like a church shrouded in fog so that it’s unaware of the outside world and the many prophetic signs telling us that we live in the last days.

I am reminded again of Kari Jobe’s song: Amen (Simple Gospel). It begins with wonderful words affirming the Gospel, but ends with a false message of hope, which exemplifies the disconnect with reality that we find in far too many churches today.

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