We Were Specifically Warned About This Coming War With China All The Way Back In The 1990s by for End of the American Dream
We were told a long time ago that this was coming. It is being reported that Nancy Pelosi will arrive in Taiwan on Tuesday, and the Chinese appear to be promising that there will be some sort of a military response. What form that response will take has been the subject of much debate in recent days. An article that was just posted on Zero Hedge does a great job of breaking down potential ways that China could strike back against Taiwan itself, but we should not completely rule out the possibility that the Chinese could select an American target to hit instead. Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan is a direct challenge to China’s sovereignty over the island, and Chinese leaders are steaming mad right now. They are going to do something that sends a very clear message, and once that happens the Biden administration will inevitably feel compelled to respond. These are very dangerous times, because it won’t take much to spark a full-blown shooting war.
I really wish that U.S. leaders would show more restraint, but instead they just keep escalating matters. In fact, it is being reported that two U.S. capital ships are now operating near Taiwan…
Two U.S. capital ships and their escorts are operating in the Western Pacific near Taiwan, USNI News has learned.
Aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) and big deck amphibious ship USS Tripoli (LHA-7), with Marine F-35B Lighting II Joint Strike Fighters embarked, are operating in the vicinity of Taiwan, on the edge of the South China Sea ahead of a Western Pacific visit from U.S. House Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to the region, according to the Aug. 1 edition of the USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker.
The Chinese continue to escalate matters as well. Even though they just concluded live-fire drills in the waters near Taiwan, we are being told that more live-fire drills are scheduled for August 2nd and 3rd…
China will hold a series of military live-fire drills near Leizhou Peninsula, Guangdong between August 2 and 3.
These drills follow three other live-fire events held across the South China Sea. China also sent military aircraft into Taiwan’s Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ) 20 times in July alone. The frequency of the military and live-fire events reflects China’s vocal opposition to American political support for Taiwan, which has included a congressional delegation and now a planned visit by U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi this week.
Many Americans still seem to believe that the U.S. military greatly outclasses every other fighting force on the globe, but that is no longer true.
The Chinese have been feverishly upgrading and modernizing their military, and at this point they have a larger navy and a much larger army than the United States does…
The People’s Liberation Army has 2,035,000 members, making it the largest active military force in the world. The U.S. has 1,195 million members as of September 2021, according to Department of Defense data.
The Chinese Navy is the biggest in the world determined by the 355 front-line ships, compared to the U.S. which only has 305.