Judge Them By Their Fruit – What They Actually Make – Tucker Carlson

Judge Them By Their Fruit – What They Actually Make – Tucker Carlson

Below is a series of videos recorded in Iowa and elsewhere. The first two are of Mr. Carlson delivering the Keynote Speech at a Leadership Conference in Iowa followed by two other videos of a speech that was delivered at a Leadership Conference in Hungary. All are worth your time.

It is moments like this, in this type of speech, that makes me question, not Mr. Carlson, but the people that would call him controlled opposition. That is for you to decide on your own thinking and researching. We have reached our own conclusion and that conclusion is reflected in our republishing of Tucker Carlson Tonight four or five days a week. We also seek out his other speeches and talks like what is presented below. If we thought for a second he was controlled opposition we wouldn’t publish one word.

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Not sure if this portion came before the above video or after. It doesn’t actually matter because it is so good and on point that it could come before and after the main part of the speech above.

From Hungary – Similar message as above.

Here is a link to a Q&A Session at the Iowa Leadership Conference Click HERE >>>

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