Father Tom W. “We can BE the CHANGE” (Video)

Father Tom W. “We can BE the CHANGE” Video

One of my favorite Al-Anon Speakers of all-time, Father Tom W. from California shares in a charming and entertaining way his Al-Anon story. I love the insight he brings to the program and how he tells colorful and imaginative stories to illustrate his points. Do yourself a favor and listen to this AMAZING man share his incredible message!
It is important to note there are several ways for one to address his or her alcohol abuse treatment. Substance abuse is a very serious condition and has become an epidemic in today’s world. Many people suffering with substance abuse need treatment, such as inpatient stays, rehab, or counseling. The importance and purpose of this video, and all our other videos, is to show that recovery IS possible and to give hope to those who are struggling with alcohol and drug addiction issues. Help IS out there!

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