66-year-old man turned away from giving blood after refusing to answer if he was pregnant

66-year-old man turned away from giving blood after refusing to answer if he was pregnant by Ashley Sadler for Life Site News

GNN Note – I know some’o y’all thinking this should be under “End Times” not “News”. / END

‘As a public body we … have a duty to promote inclusiveness – therefore all donors are now asked the same questions,’ the director of the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service said.

A 66-year-old man was told he could not give blood because he refused to go along with a new “inclusiveness” policy that requires all blood donors, including men, to state whether or not they are pregnant.

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Leslie Sinclair of Stirling, Scotland, said he was turned away from donating blood because he objected to being asked whether he was currently pregnant or had been pregnant in the past six months, the Daily Mail reported.

“There is always a form to fill in and that’s fine – they tend to ask about medical conditions or diseases – and clearly that’s because the blood needs to be safe,” the Scottish father of two said. “This time around, there was a question I hadn’t seen before: ‘Are you pregnant, or have you been in the last six months?’ which required a yes or no answer.”

According to the report, the would-be blood donor “complained that as a man in his 60s this question did not apply and he should not have to answer it.”

“I pointed out to the staff that it was impossible for me to be in that position, but I was told that I would need to answer, otherwise I couldn’t give blood,” Sinclair said.

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