From a former Muslim: Advice on sharing the Gospel in a hostile world By Hedieh Mirahmadi, Exclusive Columnist for The Christian Post
In today’s society, we see a growing intolerance for opposing viewpoints. The mainstream media and predominantly woke culture wants to intimidate Christians into silence. Defending biblical values can lead to social isolation or difficulties at work, which is why so many decide to say nothing. Instead, we suffer quietly as our kids are inundated with demonic influences, and our communities are torn apart by rampant sin and uncontrolled self-interest.
In such a climate, how do we preach the Gospel and provide the message of hope, peace, and love to a world that so desperately needs it? I often grapple with this question as I interact with fellow parents, three teenagers at home, and an entire family of Muslims that does not accept Christ as their Lord and Savior.
In the field of apologetics, many noteworthy scholars have spent decades mastering the intellectual skill of defending the Bible in virtually any setting — whether it’s a college campus or outside an Islamic center. I genuinely admire their skill and tenacity against a very hostile audience, yet they never back down or capitulate to the opposition. However, that dynamic is not for everyone. It can be intimidating, and frankly, I am drawn to finding another way.
I recently met a born-again Christian woman who is married to a Muslim. When they were first married over a decade ago, she was not following the Lord, so religion was never an issue. Now that she regularly attends church and has a new passion for the Lord, she is eager to have her husband join her. He is a devout Muslim and well versed in the Muslim commentaries on Christianity, which provide him plenty of ammunition against her newfound faith in Christ. She took him to meet with a pastor who could answer his objections, but her husband did not budge an inch. Frustrated by the situation, she came to me for advice. I listened to how he compared Islam to Christianity, and I was convicted that trying to battle him intellectually was counterproductive.