The Biggest Threat to the Second Amendment? RINOs By Gavin Wax for Town Hall
Americans are craving genuine leadership. They won’t get that with weak-kneed Republicans who are looking for openings to compromise with the Democrats on our constitutional rights.
Americans witnessed an unspeakable tragedy last week. In Uvalde, Texas, a small town barely an hour from the U.S.-Mexico border, 19 schoolchildren and two teachers were executed by a madman. While most of us will never fully understand the pain and suffering of the victims, their families, and the people of the town of Uvalde, they deserve our prayers and support in what should be a moment of national unity.
But instead, as if by clockwork, radical anti-gun Democrats and RINO Republicans immediately began exploiting the deaths of these children and the pain felt by their families for cynical political gain. Their goal: to punish you and me for the work of a lunatic by eliminating our Second Amendment and confiscating our guns.
Usually, it’s the typical cast of characters who attempt to strip Americans of our constitutional rights: Democrats like Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer. But this time, instead of standing firm against the slimy hands of Washington’s most politically shameless, unprincipled Republicans are also rallying to support a new national gun control regime, with the potential for a renewed federal assault weapons ban, more unconstitutional background checks, and a national red flag law.
Among the worst of these RINOs is U.S. Representative Chris Smith of New Jersey. Smith is so radically anti-Second Amendment that he has co-sponsored legislation with Representatives Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) to limit gun ownership among law-abiding Americans. Smith’s disdain for the Second Amendment is so pronounced that he’s earned failing grades from the NRA and is endorsed by the major gun-control PACs.
But this shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone familiar with Smith, whose 42-year congressional career is awash in anti-conservative, anti-America First, pro-RINO-Republicanism. Smith has repeatedly voted to restrict our Second Amendment rights, supports amnesty and DACA, voted “yes” for critical race theory, supported a federal vaccine database, and voted with Liz Cheney and Pelosi to certify the 2020 election and advance the partisan January 6 Commission.