Pregnant Woman Used AR-15 to Drop Armed Robber Attacking Her 11-Year-Old Daughter

Pregnant Woman Used AR-15 to Drop Armed Robber Attacking Her 11-Year-Old Daughter By Samantha Chang for The Western Journal

GNN Note – I guess I missed this on the evening news of ALL major news outlets. hmmm… Funny how that works. / END

As Democrats rabidly push for more “gun control” amid the terrifying crime waves ignited by their soft-on-crime policies, there are daily reminders of why our Second Amendment right to self-defense must never be infringed.

One of the most poignant examples involved an eight-month-pregnant woman who used an AR-15 rifle to defend her then 11-year-old daughter and injured husband during a violent home invasion three years ago in Lithia, Florida.

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At the time, her husband, Jeremy King, was being pistol-whipped and kicked in the head by two masked burglars.

“Them guys came in with two normal pistols and my AR stopped it,” King told Bay News 9in Tampa in 2019. “[My wife] evened the playing field and kept them from killing me.”

He recounted how quickly the armed bandits turned violent.

“They came in heavily hooded and masked. As soon as they had got the back door opened, they had a pistol on me and was grabbing my 11-year-old daughter,” King recalled.

“I’m telling them, ‘I have nothing for you.’ … And they’re like, ‘Give me everything you got!’ It became real violent, real fast,” he said.

The burglars, who wore masks and hoods, pistol-whipped and repeatedly bashed King in the head.

The commotion alarmed King’s wife, who was in the back bedroom. One of the burglars saw her and shot at her.

That’s when Mrs. King — who was in her third trimester — ran into a back room, grabbed an AR-15 rifle, and stormed into the living room like the members of SEAL Team Six who took out terrorist Osama bin Laden.

“When he came toward the back door in her line of sight, she clipped him,” King said. “He made it from my back door to roughly 200 feet out in the front ditch before the AR did its thing.”

Joseph Michael Baez, 27, was found dead in the ditch, according to the Tampa Bay Times.

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