Russian TV warns that nuclear war is the only alternative to Russia obtaining victory in Ukraine

Russian TV warns that nuclear war is the only alternative to Russia obtaining victory in Ukraine by Ricky Scaparo for End Times Headlines

GNN Note – As we point out on a regular basis Russian President, Putin, has stated on the world stage at the Untied Nations that Russia would attack America if there were a situation that warranted a war with America. This includes action taken by ANY member of NATO. We should believe him and take him at his word. / END

New threats of a nuclear strike were made on Russian state TV, as the head of state-controlled Russia Today (RT) Margarita Simonyan said on air that the war in Ukraine will either end with Russia’s victory or a catastrophe for all humanity.

“They all believe we’ll definitely lose, and the West will definitely win,” Simonyan said. “They say this, not understanding that it’s impossible. It’s just not possible, it will not happen. Either this ends badly for all humanity or we win. There’s no third option.”

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It’s not the first time Simonyan made a nuclear threat on air. In late April, the RT editor-in-chief said that British support of Ukrainian strikes on Russian soil is leaving Moscow short of options besides the “complete destruction” of Ukraine and “a nuclear strike.”

On that occasion, there was no evidence that the Kremlin supported the threat made by the journalist on state TV. But the most recent comment by Simonyan comes as the head of Russia’s space agency has announced that Moscow will soon have 50 new nuclear missiles.

“The Anglo-Saxons are publicly calling on Ukraine to take the combat activity into Russian territory. And giving them the ammo to carry out that plan,” she said. “What choice are you leaving us, idiots? Complete destruction of what remains of Ukraine? A nuclear strike?”

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