Essentials of Recovery

Essentials of Recovery from Big Book Sponsorship

GNN Note – The Four Absolutes – Absolute Honesty, Absolute Unselfishness, Absolute Love and Absolute Purity – without these we are nothing. With these we can climb the highest mountain and overcome every hardship. These four characteristics are in order of difficulty. One leads to the other while each one is drenched in the blood of Jesus Christ, carried by Salvation and grace. We can not expect to do anything, have anything or be anything without these four absolutes firmly in as part of our lives. This is not to say we will live them perfectly, we won’t. If we did we would have no need for Jesus Christ. Our responsibility is to live our best life while living with these four characteristics as the guide post of our actions.

I would challenge you to live for one day in the four absolutes. Remember, we are talking about every word, every action and every thought. Let us know how that works out. / END

Although it is not part of the original 1939 Big Book solution, the following excerpt does make its appearance in the 2nd edition of the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, Appendices II – Spiritual Experience. In the last paragraph it states:

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“We find that no one need have difficulty with the spirituality of the program. Willingness, honesty and open mindedness are the essentials of recovery. But these are indispensable.”

What does willingness look like to you? Some define it as “showing up”.

What does honesty look like to you? Some define it as simply answering, “yes” or “no” to questions such as, “Are you willing to go to any lengths to recover from your addiction?”

What does open-mindedness look like to you? Some define it as “look at it”, “experience it” and “you be the judge.”

Let us know about your experience with these “essentials of recovery”. How do you measure them? How do you gauge them in others?

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