More #WEF Thugs, Technocrats and Global Communist

More #WEF Thugs, Technocrats and Global Communist by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network

If you read our first report – click here if you missed it – then already know how these people are serious. These technocrats hate you beyond your wildest imagination. If you don’t think so give this a listen to one of the most evil people on the planet. You have never heard of this person, however, he is making decisions and influencing others that are making decisions that directly impact you, your family and your community.

This man is telling you, as a member of the WEF that you are worthless and your life, not only has no meaning, it has no value on any level. You aren’t even human.

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Be sure to click the image to enlarge. Scout for a WEF Global Communist in your part of the world. Have you been penetrated by Klaus Schwab?

Don’t let you community, your country be penetrated by this evil satanic-globalist

Of course the one of the most evil people in world history is an interregnal member of the WEF, George Soros. There wouldn’t global evil without finding Soros’ fingerprints all over the whatever is happening. Whatever is happening is usually born at the Davos WEF annual meeting or the Bilderberg meeting. Soros attends every meeting and has been one of the driving forces at both meetings for the past two decades.

This is a new twist – placing propaganda around the city on billboards…haven’t seen this tactic in the past, but…why wouldn’t they do this?

Bill Gates, formerly known for developing a piece of software that, on its best day, barely functioned properly unless of course you did a massive download of the latest “update”. Now, after spending time on the Lolita Express flying to Jeffrey Epstein’s “Pedo Island” he likens himself to be more of a “doctor”, more specifically, a virologist. Dispensing vaccines all over Africa for more than a decade then having a hand in the Pfizer mRNA vaccine that is now killing and maiming people all over the world.

Here he is sharing his latest thoughts at the all-inclusive evil fest…

We’ll have more tomorrow, so stay tuned.

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