Abortion isn’t going to save Democrats in the midterm elections

Abortion isn’t going to save Democrats in the midterm elections by Zachary Faria, Commentary Fellow for Washington Examiner

President Joe Biden is encouraging voters to send pro-choice legislators to Congress to counter the Supreme Court’s indicated overturning of Roe v. Wade. But Biden and his Democratic colleagues are going to be in for a wake-up call if they think abortion will save their majority.

Democrats think they enjoy the popular stance on abortion, even as they move to oppose every single law that mildly inconveniences the abortion industry. But abortion has no popular support after the first trimester of pregnancy. Democrats can’t even bring themselves to support a ban on abortion after 20 weeks, and indeed, many are in favor of simply lifting all abortion restrictions, even while the majority of the country thinks abortion should be illegal after 13 weeks.

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Democrats have placed outsize importance on abortion thanks to the misconception that they speak for the majority on the subject. Democrats think they can ride the hysteria of their base over the issue to big wins, and yet that hasn’t been carried out in recent elections. Former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, in running for his old job in 2021, made fearmongering about abortion laws a central part of his campaign, putting Texas’s heartbeat law front and center.

The result? McAuliffe’s lead dissipated in Virginia, a state that backed Biden by 10 points, and he ended up losing. Just 8% of voters named abortion as their most important issue, and the majority of those voters backed GOP candidate Glenn Youngkin, not McAuliffe.

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