Seven Hours On Jan 6: How The Media Failed To Watergate Trump

Seven Hours On Jan 6: How The Media Failed To Watergate Trump By: Leesa K. Donner for Liberty Nation

They came, they saw, they screwed up again.

They had the narrative already written. Richard Nixon may have had an 18-minute gap, but the White House records couldn’t account for seven hours and 37 minutes of Donald Trump’s phone logs from January 6. Even Bob Woodward stuck his nose into the story – the lingering smell of another bigger and better Watergate had him aroused. Yes, the posse had arrived. It was high noon. The sun was blazing, and all the six shooters were aimed at the former president. He was a dead man walking and soon to be strung up for all the world to see. The seven-plus-hour gap in President Trump’s calls on January 6 was – by God – missing.

Then the facts got in the way.

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It was CNN – of all places – who finally was willing to come clean about the latest conspiracy that had the leftist media frothing at the mouth over what they sincerely hoped was another possible Trump scandal. They thought they had him this time for sure. CBS ran with it, as did the prominent Washington daily that broke Watergate. CNN was pumping out stories about the 7-hour gap, and Twitter was in a hot and sweaty mess over it:

Chris Hayes: “Watergate—a very infamous cover-up. This definitely has overtones of that because there’s just really no explanation for the seven hours.”

MSNBC: ‘Astonishing’: Bob Woodward compares Trump call log gap to infamous Nixon tapes gap.

The USA Singers: Nixon erased 18 minutes. Trump erased 7 hours. Arrest that guilty m—f now.

HuffPost: A gap in official records raises the possibility that Donald Trump was using burner phones to speak to other officials the day of the Capitol riot.  

Laurence Tribe: The “gap in President Donald Trump’s phone logs of seven hours and 37 minutes, including the period when the [Capitol] was being violently assaulted” makes the infamous 18-minute gap in Nixon’s tapes look like nothing in comparison.

It was a pitch-perfect leftist narrative, a “smoking gun,” and then – shocker – CNN coughed up a reasonable explanation:

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