Ukraine – The Latest Satanic-Globalist Playground – #RussiaDidIt

Ukraine – The Latest Satanic-Globalist Playground – #RussiaDidIt by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network

What we are witnessing today is the culmination of 50+ years of work by the satanic-globalist. The MKUltra CIA programs in the 1950’s, Operation Mockingbird, false flag operations, public housing, the welfare act passed in the 1960’s, the exploding national debt that began in the 1970’s, the endless wars that began in the 1980’s, the take over the entire economy by multinational corporations in the 1990’s and social engineering combined with gutting of the local, mom-and-pop companies in 2000’s. Any of this sound familiar?

With the plandemic, Wuhan bat-flu stew nonsense everything went global. Those paying attention already knew we were dealing with a global society, a global mechanism and a very small group of satanic-globalist, but now the whole world can see that it is, in fact, about a one world government, a one world currency and a one world religion – that religion being the state.

The revelations we are witnessing today began to be built in the 1980’s.

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Read: The Great Awakening…Christian, Re-Traditionalization, Populist

The video below is the long version, a deep explanation of the short versions above.

Trending: The ReTraditionalization of The World

We are told to hate Russian President Vladimir Putin. I am not a fan of Mr. Putin. I am not a supporter of Russia, Putin or any other country or leader. My allegiance is with the United States of America. I am merely pointing out some of what Putin is doing that is in direct conflict with what the satanic-globalist are doing. Let the record speak for itself.

In the video below we hear President Putin making a lot sense. We hear him calling-on-the-carpet these “crazy” leaders as he points some of their communist ways. We are told he, Putin, is the evil one. If he is so bad why is he the one building so many churches, outlawing abortion – nationally – after 12 weeks, fighting against the LGBT mafia / agenda?

While Putin is calling out so-called “leaders” we are dealing with filth like this…

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