Did The Federal Reserve Note, U.S. Dollar, Just Default?

Did The Federal Reserve Note, U.S. Dollar, Just Default? by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network

If you have been following along for the past ten-twelve years then you know the failing supremacy of the Federal Reserve Note, U.S. dollar fiat currency (FRN). The FRN has enjoyed a very long run, in historical terms, of being the worlds reserve currency and for remaining a pure fiat currency. Throughout all of history the average life span of pure fiat currency is approximately 40 years. On August 15, 1971, then President Nixon, declared the FRN would, “temporarily”, no longer be backed with gold. Well, as of August 2021 that would be fifty years a full decade past it’s normal shelf life as a fiat currency.

Russia, China, India and Iran – which encompass approximately 1/3 of the global population and a sizable percentage of the global resources, is now working, 24/7 to end the reign of the FRN and introduce a whole new concept of global trade and the currencies used to make this a sustainable situation. Level the playing field, if you will.

Listen to Russian President Vladimir Putin explain a little piece of this situation. Please keep in mind there are a number of international contracts that are already in place to circumvent the FRN and bypass doing business with U.S. of any kind. Remember, China and India have a lot of our manufacturing that is no longer produced on these shores.

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If you don’t think this happening you’re are kidding yourself. You are ill-informed and will soon be putting you, your family and the community where you live in dire straits. The warnings are over. The Biden regime is moving to eliminate you, your family and the community where you live at an ever increasing pace. With 200,000 thousand invaders streaming across our southern border by the end of 2022 there will been added to our nation another Atlanta or said another way there will more than five – yes five cities the size of Nashville Tn added to our population roster. How do absorb 5+ cities the size of Nashville in just under 2 years time? Are they all coming to your house for dinner, a sleep over, a job, health care, education? Yeah, I didn’t think so.

Here’s a short video to help you better understand what is happening with commodities and help you consider protecting some of your wealth / purchasing power through precious metals. We are advocates of God’s money – both gold and silver – and we suggest holding some in your hand.

De-Dollarization Efforts in China and Russia â–º https://bit.ly/3qhK5jG

So, we are actually witnessing the end of our great nation. First slowly, then quickly – that’s how you go bankrupt. Welcome to the “quickly” portion of the show.

This could have been delayed by another ten-plus years, maybe far longer, but the machines stepped in, the evil one and his minions on earth were already behind in their plans.

Another little taste of the lies we are constantly fed by the MSM. Lies by omission are still lies.

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