If the Ukraine conflict doesn’t end soon, the world will starve by: Ethan Huff for Natural News
Sanctioned Russian fertilizer and coal tycoon Andrey Melnichenko is warning that a world food crisis could ensue if the conflict in Ukraine does not end soon.
“The events in Ukraine are truly tragic,” Melnichenko said in comments sent to MSNby his spokesman.
“We urgently need peace. As Russian by nationality, Belarusian by birth, and Ukrainian by blood, I feel great pain and disbelief witnessing the brotherly peoples are fighting and dying.”
Melnichenko says that one of the “victims” of the crisis “will be agriculture and food,” as Russia and Ukraine together supply key components of global food supply.
Joining the corporate-controlled media in laying blame on the invasion, Melnichenko added that he believes “soaring prices,” also known as inflation, is a direct result not of central banking and Wall Street corruption but rather a factor of war.
A billionaire and founder of Russia’s largest ammonium nitrate and coal producers, EuroChem and SUEK, Melnichenko is among the many Russian oligarchs who have been targeted by Western sanctions due to the conflict. In order to keep the money rolling in, Melnichenko needs the conflict to end.
How much more expensive will things get before we reach a breaking point?
Since the invasion, inflationary pressure that was already strong all throughout the plandemic became even stronger. This allowed the media to blame the invasion entirely, hoping people would forget all about the plandemic, the 2008 meltdown of the markets that was never truly resolved, and more than 100 years of private central banking by the Federal Reserve.
Now, we are all just supposed to blame Putin for skyrocketing gas prices, soaring food costs, supply chain problems, shortages, and now a lack of fertilizer exports due to Western sanctions on Russia.
Wheat and corn prices continue to rise, as do the costs of fertilizer. Russia reportedly accounts for about 13 percent of global production of potash, phosphate and nitrogen, which are three key agricultural inputs required for large-scale industrial agriculture.
“Production is heavily reliant on natural gas, the cost of which has also climbed as a result of the conflict in Ukraine,” claims MSN.
While the United States ranks second in the world for wheat production behind Russia, domestic output alone may not be enough to offset lost exports. Earlier in the month, Russia’s Ministry of Trade and Industry called on the country’s fertilizer producers to suspend all exports.
“Now this will lead to even higher food inflation in Europe and likely food shortages in the world’s poorest countries,” Melnichenko warns, noting that food prices were already rising during the plandemic.
Following the sanctions, Melnichenko resigned as a member of the board and main beneficiary of both EuroChem and SUEK. EuroChem claims to be among the top five fertilizer companies in the world.
“Exports will resume by April,” wrote someone at Natural News about the fertilizer situation in Russia. “By then, Russia will be disconnected from SWIFT, adding extra delays for payment processing.”
“U.S. ag cooperatives were bankrupted in the ’90s due to government storage subsidies to corporate farms and market manipulation of consolidated meat production and packing industries, and EPA regulation of petrochemical and fertilizer production!” said someone else, offering a little background into how American agriculture has been getting dismantled for decades.
“Our Farmers Union plant in Lawrence, Kan., shut down and Farmland Meats was sold. The Coffeyville refinery was shut down due to new EPA requirements of MBTE blends, and now our local high sulfur oil has to be trucked to Oklahoma or Texas. Our government wants us to die a slow death of attrition and is sucking life out of our country!”