‘Proverbs 31 Woman’ – A Modern Interpretation

‘Proverbs 31 Woman’ – A Modern Interpretation by Myra Kahn Adams for Town Hall

Thanks for joining our study of the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) book of Proverbs chapter 31 verses 10-31. (I hear gasps and see eye rolls from ladies of faith who dread hearing the phrase “Proverbs 31 woman.” )

The verses are traditionally associated with unrealistic womanly/wifely perfection —making anyone blessed with XX chromosomes feel deficient. The passages describe a superwoman/mother who is a jack of all trades. (Correction: “Jackie” who excels at every imaginable task and possesses every exemplary human skill.)

The Proverbs 31 woman is God-fearing and never breaks a fingernail installing wheels on her wagon. (After she manufactures the wheels from the trees grown on the land she bought.) I am exaggerating but read verse 16. Therefore ladies, if you feel inadequate and about to click away — please don’t, because Mrs. 31 was only a fantasy — which explains everything!

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Let’s review the biblical evidence and note that although I make light of these verses, they are STILL the Word of God from which much wisdom can be gleaned. But women and men must realize that together, all the talents and traits represented by Mrs. 31 are unattainable, sinless perfection that do not exist in any one human of any gender. And that is why we need Jesus to forgive our sins and love us despite our inadequacies.

The first verse of Proverbs 31 reads:

 “The sayings of King Lemuel—an inspired utterance his mother taught him” (Proverbs 31-1).

Did you read that right? “An “inspired utterance” from Mom? Yes, King Lemuel recanted Mom’s list of boxes she wanted checked for the perfect daughter-in-law. How nice of mother to assist her royal off-spring with queen shopping. Moreover, King Lemuel is of questionable personage since his name appears only once in Proverbs 31-1. Scholarly speculation about his identity and lineage is here. Some believe King Lemuel was a pen name for King Solomon — already credited in parts of Proverbs. (For more about King Solomon’s parents, David and Bathsheba, read Vol. 99.)

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