God’s Holy Spirit Power Overwhelms Voodoo, Witchcraft Curses in Haiti by CALEB WAMPLER for Charisma News
Tuesday, I received breaking news from my crusade director in Haiti. The news was disturbing and showed that God’s power cannot be overcome by even the most wicked darkness.
Watch my Facebook LIVE update here: https://fb.watch/bEnVKpcpHy/
We received great news of even more healings that took place in Haiti including:
– Multiple people were healed of heart disease
– Someone was healed of kidney stones
– Someone with stomach cancer was healed by the power of God
And more!
In the months prior to the crusade, apparently witches were going around into the very village I preached the gospel in just two weeks ago. As a part of their voodoo rituals, they were offering blood sacrifices, which led to them eating children. They taunted the few believers who were there, saying that the locals needed to follow the power of the witches.
I had no idea any of this had happened. In my final video report from Haiti, I recounted some of the amazing encounters of witches giving their lives to Jesus (Watch here: https://youtube/YG_8RjYPoy8), but I wasn’t aware of the depths of their disturbing practices just weeks and months before our team arrived.
Testimonies are now being received from the village:
– This is the first time the people have seen such a great power and authority. All glory to Jesus!
– The witches no longer have power because the works of the devil were destroyed.
– When the witches tried to test us in the meetings to “see if we had any real power,” they couldn’t look at us. They reported seeing a fire surrounding us and their power would no longer work.