Identity Exchange (Video)

Identity Exchange Video by Pastor, Jamie Winship

13:21:48: Wholeness and resilience
13:23:48: Default to unhealthy training vs whole-person thinking
13:24:34: “Do you have joy in your work?”
13:27:06: Way of their being, matches the truth of their being. Inner conflict produces external conflict
13:27:55: “De-escalate the inner conflict”
13:28:51: Get rid of the false (identity) and know the true
13:32:39: Moving from the lizard-brain (violent) to the pre-frontal cortex (non-violence)
13:32:46: Persecutor — persecuted
13:33:34: (St. Paul)
13:34:48: Know what we do because we know who we are
13:35:26: “Humans have to see a model of it” — can’t just explain
13:36:03: Tell the truth about all the things we believe about ourselves that are wrong: names, labels that hurt
13:36:59: Listening from a “safe” place in your mind: imagine a person who loves you w/o question, only tells you the truth
13:37:35: Give the list of bad names to the love-person. “Love and truth doesn’t want it”
13:38:00: Go back there, and ask Love/Truth what THEY call you
13:39:31: “False identity can’t hold its head up”
13:40:00: “Perhaps who thinks they are (learned) being worthless”
13:40:58: Teachers: “Self-protect (promote) above all else”
13:43:50: High school cohort: started calling each other by Love/Truth names
13:44:09: “Why are you not in your true identity?” — language that eliminated division
13:46:08: Students look: up – in – out – reflect their identity/calling
13:46:50: Q: Emmanuel encounter \ scaling teachers
13:48:47: Called to practice this in the public sphere
14:09:09: Conflict AT Jesus not WITH Him
14:09:26: Apprehended by Christ (His Posession)
14:09:43: IN Christ
14:10:11: Love their Enemies
14:11:28: “The easy part is the demonic” for Jesus; Paul is not blindsided by suffering.
14:12:07: NOT conflict — because he was NOT fighting back.
14:13:18: Force never produces good information; only escalates
14:13:57: Never put an opponent in a place of pain; grant them autonomy
14:14:21: Voluntarily go into mouse mode — total control
14:15:52: “Non-violent spiritual warfare”
14:25:12: Robby Butler:…
14:26:03: Other-focused self-emptying life

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