How The Age Of AIDS Mirrors The COVIDIAN AGE, With A Twist

How The Age Of AIDS Mirrors The COVIDIAN AGE, With A Twist by Rosanne Lindsay for Natural Blaze

The Coronavirus/COVID experience is a replay of the HIV/AIDS, with a twist.

As planned events, they show how history repeats itself when people are oblivious to the cyclical patterns of deception.

Note how NIAID’s Anthony Fauci is a common denominator between the antiretroviral drug treatment for HIV/AIDS and the antiretroviral drug treatment for Coronavirus/COVID19.

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Dr Robert Gallo made his famous announcement at a press conference on 23 April 1984 that “his” HIV virus was the probable cause of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). From that moment on, the race was on to find a pharmaceutical weapon against it.

At the height of AIDS epidemic in 2005, the rhetoric about HIV danger and death penetrated every corner of the world. The rapid test for HIV was accepted as the test for AIDS, which divided people into positive and negative camps.

Flashback to June 2015, ten years after the height of the AIDS epidemic:

AIDS-related deaths have fallen by 35 percent since the peak of the epidemic in 2005 and the number of new infections continues to decline annually. That’s the good news. Nonetheless there are thought to be around 35 million people living with HIV globally; 19 million don’t currently know their HIV-positive status. Of those people who need antiretroviral drugs, only just over a third have access. That’s the bad news.

We have the scientific know-how to end AIDS and every month seems to bring news of another biomedical advance that could change the trajectory of the epidemic once and for all.

Last week the preliminary findings of the Strategic Timing of AntiRetroviral Treatment trial confirmed that early treatment is best for HIV.

No one thought that HIV might be lab-created.  No one knew that just before Gallo’s April 1984 announcement, someone had filed a United States Patent number: 9499480 for HIV/AIDS Virus invention, a designer bi-product of the U.S. Special Virus program.

No one knew that Gallo, himself, was ‘Project Officer’ for the federal Special Virus Program that ran from 1962-1978. See complete list of HIV patents. No one knows that engineered evidence is found from the ‘multiply-spliced’ nature of the HIV ‘tat’ sequence in Dr. Gallo’s 1971 Special Virus paper, “Reverse Transcriptase of Type-C virus Particles of Human Origin.”

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