9 All-Natural Solutions To Depression

9 All-Natural Solutions To Depression by: Amy O’Donnell for Off The Grid News

Depression can strike anyone, anywhere, for any reason, and without explanation. Sometimes it goes away on its own, such as in a case of “the blues” around the holidays. Situational depression is caused by a sudden, unexpected life event — a job loss or the death of a spouse – and usually resolves when you move forward.

But long-term depression with no obvious direct cause and that doesn’t resolve may need help. Allopathic doctors quickly prescribe antidepressants without a second thought after a five-minute visit, but those come with side-effects, some of them major. Antidepressants don’t address underlying causes of depression.

One estimate puts the rate of depressed people over 18 in the U.S. at about 6.7 percent.

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Natural solutions are readily available.

1. Sleep. Are you sleeping? If not, fatigue can exacerbate depression. Getting quality sleep will restore your physical self and help support your mental self. Try valerian root, melatonin, magnesium or l-tryptophan to improve your sleep.

2. Exercise. Do you exercise? Why not? Take a short walk in the sunshine, do some push-ups, lift weights (it can be light weights), or dust off that expensive exercise machine you bought in January. Regular exercise helps jump-start your serotonin and other brain chemicals, and works better than prescriptions. Remember: You’re not training for the Boston Marathon. Just get moving, however you can!

3. Reduce or eliminate sugar. Cleaning up your diet can go a long way to feeling better. Eliminating grains and sugar (particularly fructose), or at least keeping it under 25 grams a day, will help reduce hypoglycemia. This also will reduce secretion of glutamate high enough to cause agitation, depression and other symptoms that increase the risk of suicide.

4. Omega-3 fats. These fats are needed for good brain function. Fish oil capsules are ideal, since your brain is made up of 60 percent fat!

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