Extensive analysis of trial data finds that Pfizer covid jab does “more harm than good”

Extensive analysis of trial data finds that Pfizer covid jab does “more harm than good” by:  for Natural News

A deep analysis of Pfizer’s trial data has revealed that the company’s Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” is likely to “increase illness rather than reduce it.”

The Canadian COVID Care Alliance (CCCA) compiled this new research in a 50-page PDF presentation and corresponding video. (The video is available at LifeSiteNews.)

The presentation begins with the CCCA quantifying and contextualizing Pfizer’s claim that its jab is 95 percent effective seven days after the second dose. It is revealed that this 95 percent figure actually refers to a Relative Risk Reduction or RRR.

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The Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR) figure, which is how most people are thinking about it, is a paltry 0.84 percent efficacy – meaning the jab provides zero protection against the Fauci Flu, statistically speaking (a short video explaining the difference between RRR and ARR is also available at LifeSiteNews).

In Pfizer’s covid injection trial, eight out of 18,198 participants who got vaccinated were reported to have later developed covid. In the unvaccinated placebo group, 162 out of 18,325 were reported to have developed covid as well.

Based on Pfizer’s own trial data, even without getting vaccinated the risk of contracting covid was a mere 0.88 percent compared to 0.04 percent (supposedly) in the vaccinated group.

“This means that the net benefit or ARR that is shown in the trial is 0.84 percent,” writes Kennedy Hall. “The 95 percent number comes from relative difference between the 0.88 percent number from the unvaccinated group and the 0.04 from the vaccinated group.”

Cardiovascular deaths occurring at twice the rate in the fully vaccinated

On top of that, it was discovered that Pfizer’s covid injection actually makes people moreill. Instead of reducing one’s risk of infection, the Pfizer jab – again, based on the company’s own data – showed a “level one evidence of harm” in six-month report data.

Compared to the placebo group, the vaccinated group saw a noticeable “increase in illness and deaths,” proving once again that getting jabbed is a fool’s game.

“The jabbed group data showed an increase in adverse events in most every category,” Hall adds.

“This information was included in the Pfizer report, but only in the supplementary appendix which is difficult to find. There was a 300 percent increase in adverse events determined to have been caused by the product in the jabbed group.”

As far as severe adverse events go – meaning conditions that greatly inhibit a person’s ability to function normally – getting jabbed with Pfizer caused these to spike by 75 percent.

There was also an increase in the overall death rate in the vaccinated group compared to the placebo group. A total of 20 deaths were later recorded in the jabbed group while only 14 were counted in the un-jabbed group.

Cardiovascular-related deaths were also twice as common in the vaccinated group, it was revealed. This corroborates with other research showing that heart-related conditions, including heart attacks, are on the rise in fully vaccinated people.

All of this presents an “unacceptable risk” to human health, especially in children, noted CCCA. Calls to mass-inject five- to 11-year-olds with these things, as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are now doing, is simply ludicrous and insane.

This revelation, CCCA says, “represents a real opportunity to hold our leaders accountable because this is not opinion or modeling or real-world evidence that can be dismissed or manipulated, but level-one evidence from a randomized controlled trial.”

“As if we need more proof of a crime against humanity,” wrote a LifeSiteNews commenter. “And showing few signs of stopping – here, three jabs are mandated by our chief-crook-in-charge.”

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