‘God Didn’t Create You to Be That Way’: Promise Keepers Leader Denounces Pornography Use

‘God Didn’t Create You to Be That Way’: Promise Keepers Leader Denounces Pornography Use By Tré Goins-Phillips for Faith Wire The leader of the men’s ministry Promise Keepers said this week people should be “running in terror” from their sinful inclinations — particularly the temptation of pornography — “because it will separate us from God, from our kids, from our wives.” During the start of the 2022 Promise Keepers Marriage Summit, ministry chair and CEO Ken Harrison recalled hearing from a group of guys who told him they “couldn’t help themselves” when…


For Leftists, Your Freedom Is Their Misery – Your Slavery Is Their Joy

For Leftists, Your Freedom Is Their Misery – Your Slavery Is Their Joy By Brandon Smith for Alt-Market There is a certain level of madness required to reach the state our country is in today. I think most of us feel this and know this but I want to dissect the situation a little so that we can see the guts of the thing and understand the mechanics of it. Insanity has a structure, believe it or not, and there are ways to analyze it and identify it. For example,…


Everybody Pays In A Lawless Society

Everybody Pays In A Lawless Society by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network In the days of the “wild west” when America was being birthed and people were moving from east to west, robberies and lawlessness were common. When you have opportunity, masses of people moving in unprotected herds there is going to be problems. People will take advantage of other helpless people. We are sinful, broken people and it is built-in. Those days, for the most part, ended about 100 years ago. Train robberies, hijacking and the like all…


Totally Candid Reflections on the COVID Vaccinations

Totally Candid Reflections on the COVID Vaccinations by Michael L. Brown for Ask Dr Brown Although I myself have not been vaccinated (more on that shortly), I have never been remotely anti-vax, nor have I ever downplayed the lethal nature of the virus. Not for a second. As I wrote in my very first article on COVID on March 2, 2020, “There is no denying the seriousness of the virus. “As Bill Gates noted in the New England Journal of Medicine on February 28, ‘In the past week, Covid-19 has started behaving a lot like…


Illinois Parents Furious About After School Satan Club in Elementary School

Illinois Parents Furious About After School Satan Club in Elementary School by TALIA WISE/CBN NEWS for Charisma News A school district in Illinois is defending an elementary school after it distributed flyers advertising an after-school Satan Club to students in first through fifth grade. Children at Jane Addams Elementary School in Moline, Illinois were invited to participate in the after-school club hosted by the Satanic Temple earlier this week. “Hey Kids, let’s have fun at After School Satan Club,” the promotional material read. The flyer promotes “science projects, puzzles and games,…


The Millennial Kingdom (Video) – Pastor, Tony Evans

The Millennial Kingdom (Video) – Pastor, Tony Evans It’s hard to imagine a world without any pain or chaos, and as much as humanity may try, it will never be able to achieve perfect peace. But Tony Evans wants you to know about a time that is coming where our world will become a flawless utopia under Christ’s governing. Learn more about the thousand-year rule of Jesus Christ and how your current walk with God will affect your role at that time.


Outlying biblical truth? Why every American must closely watch this bizarre case

Outlying biblical truth? Why every American must closely watch this bizarre case By Billy Hallowell for Washington Times A society dominated by emotion breeds a culture unable to grapple with fact. And the unfortunate culmination of the intensification of these ideological toxins is a civilization unwilling and ill-equipped to tolerate divergent viewpoints. We’re no doubt breeding a confounding amalgam of obsessive relativism and all-consuming selfishness. On one hand, much of our progressive culture claims to embrace an “anything goes” ethic while simultaneously rejecting biblical perspectives, particularly on sexuality. This knee-jerk…


What the New Testament Says About Heaven

What the New Testament Says About Heaven by Myra Kahn Adams for Town Hall GNN Note – Where is the Kingdom of Heaven? Where do we go to find the mansion with many rooms? / END Thanks for joining us to briefly explore what the New Testament says about Heaven. Last week (Vol. 95), we examined the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) and its focus on God as the Almighty and glorious Creator of Heaven(s). Today, in the New Testament gospels, Jesus confirms His Father’s Heavenly presence and how to gain admittance.…