Peace From God Our Father…
Madmen are people that believe things that others don’t believe. Madmen see things others don’t see and they hear things others don’t hear. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. These two things sound similar. This may be the jumping-off-point of C.S. Lewis’ thought that either Jesus Christ was a madman or He is who He said He is. There is no other possible answer.
We read the Word of God, we hear the Word of God as the scripture springs to life. Some days it seems there is only fishing and nothing catches, then other days, like today, as soon as the Word of God is breathed in, Life springs forth. The fact that we, the editor and the reader, both spend time daily reading the Bible, breathing in the Word of God, is somewhat strange.
The letters the Disciples and Apostles wrote, the spoken Word of Jesus Christ, the stories in the Torah, the Prophets, describing to the letter the coming of Jesus Christ and the Psalms, all are just stories from a time gone by…or are they? These stories, letters and songs are fascinating. These writings are more than 2,000 years old with some upwards of 5,000 years old!
We quiet our mind, quiet our heart and quiet our soul to allow space for Words spoken, written more than 2,000 years ago, we allow space for these Words to come to life within us. Some people would look at that call us madmen, crazy or worse. Are we?
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. ~ 1 Corinthians 1:3 NKJB
The Words above, written by Paul, spoke so loudly this morning that everything stopped and now the result are these words on the screen. How is that even possible… unless it is God? How do Words on a screen or on a piece of paper, “speak” to us? The Living Word of God comes to us through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit simply rattled the cage of bones and made those bones to pay attention to this one line of text. An entire picture unfolded to paint a landscape of people smiling, shaking hands, hugging and sharing the Peace of God with one another. Greeting one another in fellowship, harmony and the Love of God. Truly amazing. Is it crazy that something like this would happen or is it simply God speaking through the Holy Spirit into the soul of this vessel?
Is it God saying it’s time to greet others on the street, in His name? Time to meet others in the name of Jesus Christ wherever you happen to find yourself? Allow your Christ identity to lead the Way, let the Truth spring forth and walk in the Life that He has so graciously afforded? What are we waiting for?
When man listens, God speaks. When man obeys, God acts. ~ Cecil Rose
That’s how it works.
Either the Scripture is the divine Word of God teaching us how to live and how to be a reflection of God, or it’s nothing more than a historical account of events.