Leading Cause Of Death For Americans Aged 18-45 Is NOT Covid — It’s Fentanyl By Matt Agorist for The Free Thought Project
GNN Note – I can tell you without hesitation and without question “white powder” drugs – fentanyl, heroin and meth – are the result of fatherless homes and fatherless homes are the number one reason for drug addiction and drug addiction – the very evil type of addiction, “white powder drugs” – kill more people daily than anything else, period. It’s a circle of horror and death. / END
Because the state enforces a drug war which outlaws far safer alternatives, fentanyl has taken the illegal drug market by storm and these synthetic opioids that are extremely dangerous are flooding the streets and leaving piles of bodies in their wake. Make no mistake, fentanyl is dangerous and kills people by the thousands but the government’s response to it is causing far more harm than good.
Instead of realizing the dangers brought on by enforcing a war on drugs which has led to the thriving illicit fentanyl market, the state resorts to violence, fear tactics and propaganda to unsuccessfully scare people into compliance.
Well, the state need no longer use propaganda as new data from the federal government is shocking enough by itself. “Families Against Fentanyl,” an opioid awareness organization, analyzed the data from U.S. government sources and that found that suicide, car accidents, and gun violence — which used to be the top killers of folks aged 18-45 — have taken a back seat to the new number one killer: fentanyl.
The group found that 37,208 people between 18 and 45 died from fentanyl overdose in 2020 and 41,587 have died so far in 2021.
“This is a national emergency. America’s young adults — thousands of unsuspecting Americans — are being poisoned,” the founder of Families Against Fentanyl, James Rauh, said according to Fox News. “It is widely known that illicit fentanyl is driving the massive spike in drug-related deaths. A new approach to this catastrophe is needed.”
It’s not just that age group either, thanks to the government-imposed lockdowns, 2020 marked the deadliest year in history for fatal drug overdoses with fentanyl claiming the lives of individuals from all age groups.
According to Families Against Fentanyl, fentanyl deaths in America across all age groups doubled from 32,754 fatalities to 64,178 fatalities in just two years between April 2019 and April 2021, according to the data.
Sadly, although this group is correct on the statistics of fentanyl overdose, their solution to the problem is more drug war. Families Against Fentanyl wants lawmakers to designate the drug as a “weapon of mass destruction” saying doing so could “save lives”.
Such an Order will unify the federal government’s approach to fentanyls and allow for better coordination across the executive branch and with state and local authorities. It will allow U.S. national intelligence to play a greater role in assisting law enforcement and empower the Department of Defense to share expertise and technology to improve detection and interdiction efforts. It will allow the federal government to become more engaged in tracking and disrupting the finances of fentanyl traffickers. It will provide a mandate to ensure the U.S. is prepared to respond to a mass-casualty event involving fentanyls, regardless of what might cause it. And it will act as a deterrent to those who might otherwise consider trafficking in fentanyls, irrespective of their intent.
This WMD designation would not stop the flow of fentanyl as the US government is already heavily entrenched in a drug war and drugs, as we have seen over the last two decades, are winning that war.
Those of us based in reality see that prohibition is what has driven the market for fentanyl. Without the war on drugs, fentanyl would likely not be a problem at all.