Anger: One Letter Short of Danger by Shane Idleman
Of all the struggles facing Christians, anger is at the top of the list. It destroys families, tarnishes character, and leads to destructive behavior.
Just as threads of redemption run throughout the Bible, so do tears of anger. We need look no further than the opening chapters of Genesis to see the painful results of misplaced anger. In Genesis 4:5, Adam’s son Cain became very angry when God rejected his sacrifice but accepted his brother Abel’s sacrifice. This rejection eventually led Cain to murder his brother.
We don’t know why God rejected Cain’s offering, but it does beg the question: “Why wasn’t Cain mad at himself?” Jealousy is often a precursor to angry outbursts. The great test of character is rejoicing in the success of others. Interestingly, according to 1 Timothy 3:3, anger can disqualify a person from church leadership.
Most people struggle with anger, but if they are quick to repent, repair the damage, follow the scriptural course, and remove the triggers, God can change their hearts.
Food Can Affect Mood
Most people are unaware that what they consume can also affect anger. I’m often asked to pray for panic attacks, angry outbursts, and anxiety. That can be done, and God honors prayer, but are we opening the door by not halting highly addictive caffeine, sugar, opioid, or nicotine habits. If we believe we can drink a high-powered stimulant, like caffeine for example, and not have it affect our mood, we are gravely mistaken.
Caffeine may provide temporary relief, but you’re robbing Peter and plundering Paul. There is no up-side. You may say, “Shane, haven’t you read articles about the benefits of coffee?” First, research who paid for the study. It was probably the coffee industry. Second, that’s like telling an alcoholic to enjoy a glass of wine because of the antioxidant benefits (just eat grapes). Third, addiction is addiction no matter how it’s excused. Fourth, constantly amping up the body comes with a price such as damage to the cardiovascular system.
I once saw a sign above a coffee pot in a doctor’s office that said: “DON’T CONSUME BEFORE A STRESS TEST.” Need I say more? Let’s wake up; our health is on the line. It’s amazing how we make excuses to indulge in things that harm us. Sadly, even when I share this information about stimulants, very few want to change. As they say, “We love good news about bad habits.”
Anger is Contagious
The Reader’s Digest once published an article about the Amish. The author wrote that the children never screamed or yelled in the schoolyard. This amazed him, so he questioned the schoolmaster about it. He remarked how he had not once heard an Amish child yell, and asked why the schoolmaster thought that was so. The schoolmaster replied, “Well, have you ever heard an Amish adult yell?” Anger is contagious, but so is calmness and self-control, two things children desperately need.