Spontaneous Abortions…mRNA νÆ<<∫ΠΠē

Spontaneous Abortions…mRNA νÆ<<∫ΠΠē

This man is a huge part of the our world morphing and becoming a lot less beautiful, a lot less Godly and a lot more hateful.

Rapid Communication Spontaneous Abortions and Policies on COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Use During Pregnancy. Science, Public Health Policy & the Law 4:130-143. publichealthpolicyjournal.com/general-5

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This woman hates her fellow citizens. This woman is a top ranking agent of the devil.

Cash is causing global warming – climate hoax.

We are the carbon the filthy satanic globalist are looking to rid the planet of. You are nothing more than a useless eater and take away from the beauty of their planet. They want just enough of us around to change their diaper, empty their trash, clean their toilets, etc. Otherwise, time for us to go.

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