The ‘Plandemic’ and the Great Awakening by Dr. Joseph Mercola
In this interview, filmmaker-turned-author Mikki Willis discusses his two-part film “Plandemic,” which went viral despite being universally censored last year. He’s now releasing a book, “Plandemic: Fear Is the Virus. Truth Is the Cure,” and is working on “Plandemic Part 3,” which is slated for release around the winter holidays. Willis summarizes the backstory of how “Plandemic” came to be:
“I had met Judy Mikovits, who is the featured virologist in ‘Plandemic 1.’ I’d met her about a year and a half before the pandemic was announced. At the time, when [the COVID pandemic] was announced, I was working on a film called ‘The Narrative,’ which was to really pull back the curtain on mainstream media, the way that it’s been infiltrated and affected the global consciousness.
In the process of doing this, the whistleblowers that I was interviewing for the movie, several of them had warned me and said there’s a false flag coming very soon. A false flag means an event that takes place that diverts the world’s attention and/or subverts the consciousness such that we’ll vote for war … or something like that.
It’s some kind of an event that will cause some kind of a reaction. So, I was on the lookout for this … when the pandemic was announced, I reached out to Mikovits … and I asked her, ‘What do you think is going on here?’
She started to break it down for me, and it seemed so viable that I said, ‘Let’s stop what we’re doing and go to my studio, sit down and do this on camera, because I think that the world deserves to hear this information.’”
More Than a Billion People Have Seen ‘Plandemic’
“Plandemic Part 1” was released May 4, 2020, and has since been viewed over 1 billion times, a record, for sure, for any documentary. This, despite it being heavily censored. “Plandemic Part 2: Indoctornation” has also been viewed more than 200 million times.
One of the keys to the videos’ remarkable successes was Willis’ decision to allow (and encourage) people to download the movie files and upload them anywhere they pleased, without restrictions.
This virtually guaranteed he wouldn’t make any money from the films, but he viewed them as a gift to humanity. Putting the truth out there was more important than making a buck. Besides, hosting the films on any given platform would allow the opposition to simply nuke that one site, ensuring the films wouldn’t be seen by anyone.
‘Plandemic 3’ Will Expose Power Players and Their Intentions
“Plandemic: Indoctornation” features the brilliant David Martin, Ph.D., who has documented and tracked white collar crime for decades and invented technologies that help trace the flow of funding. Willis explains:
“We decided in ‘Plandemic 2’ to really follow the paper trail. And I’m very glad we made that decision because it has been bulletproof. Every single claim that David Martin made in the film has been 100% validated at this point.
He’s the one that actually helped educate [Sens.] Rand Paul and Ron Johnson when they started to go after [Dr. Anthony] Fauci to finally hold him accountable for his decades of crimes.
[Martin] had the paper trail of how much money had been spent, that had been moved through a company called EcoHealth Alliance, and where it ended up in Wuhan at the lab.
But as important as it is to know where the virus originated, it goes so far beyond that in the next [film]. We are, I will announce right now, producing ‘Plandemic 3.’ And that one’s going to go even further into who’s behind this [virus] and why. Is this really about money? The answer is, for the most part, no. The people at the top of the pyramid, they can just print their own money.
It’s really about ultimately creating a state of dependency, through which you can then control the human population. We’re going to go deeper and really show the trail on how that works, the history of that, and how it’s led us to this moment right now.
Psychological diversion has literally brainwashed a great deal of our population into fighting for these very wicked forces, unknowingly, unwittingly.”
After the release of “Plandemic 1,” Willis offered $10,000 to anyone who could debunk any claim made in the film.
“People tried,” he says, “but they would give us these phony fact-checker reports and we would debunk them. And so, they just went away after about six months of me offering that challenge. I really wanted to show people that there’s a whole other world behind the smoke screen of propaganda that is used to get people to ignore important information.
So, with ‘Plandemic 3,’ we’re going to go further. Once again, in real time, we’re going to say, ‘Here’s what we said, here’s what they said about us, now here’s what they’re finally saying one year later.’”
It’s Not Incompetence, It’s a Plan
While many blame the encroaching tyranny on incompetence, the evidence suggests it’s not incompetence at all. It was planned this way. Willis says: