Defund the Feds

Defund the Feds by Kurt Schlichter for Town Hall

There is a giant commodities shortage in America right now thanks to the incompetence of our leadership class (including a Secretary of Transportation taking paternity leave for a baby he didn’t have), but one thing that has been in really short supply for a while is good apples. The shelves are bare; the only apples we see are rotten and wormy. We always hear about how the federal agencies, which are increasingly being used as the personal Stasi of the ruling caste to protect their positions, powers, and prestige against challenges by us peasants, are filled with hard-working professionals upholding their oaths. See, there are only a few bad apples doing all the bad stuff. All the rank and file are groovy.

And I got a brand-new unicorn to sell you cheap.

As I’ve asked before, where are all the good apples? We’re over half of a decade into the FBI actively intervening in favor of the Democrat party to snuff out dissent and opposition, and what is the name of a single heir to Efrem Zimbalist, Jr.’s sturdy Inspector Erskine who has stood up and pulled the pin on his, her, or (increasingly) xir, career because the FBI’s shenanigans are a gross violation of their principles.

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No one.


Not happening.

And in the few instances of transitory accountability, like for that lying sack of Schumer Andrew McCabe, justice is gleefully denied. He got fired for lying as part of the conspiracy to undermine our democracy – which we were told was a bad thing to do when normal people wandered around Capitol hill snapping selfies – and the Biden regime just “settled” his bullSchiff lawsuit by giving him back pay, his pension, and wiping his record clean.

No one has quit over this. But let’s keep pretending the people perpetuating the system are somehow heroes worthy of our respect.

Where was the outrage over trying to frame Donald Trump, and succeeding in framing a bunch of his people, in order to ensure our 2016 votes were meaningless?

How about over hunting down mere trespassers in the Capitol and sending militarized SWAT teams to break down their doors?

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