Step 3: Trust in God – Sharon’s Story about Crystal Meth Addiction Recovery (Video)

Step 3: Trust in God – Sharon’s Story about Crystal Meth Addiction Recovery Video

At first, Sharon was addicted to staying thin. She thought small, seemingly harmless doses of crystal meth could help her lose a few pounds. Before she knew it, she was completely addicted to the drug. Her marriage and family relationships were crumbling, but she couldn’t stop and wondered if she actually wanted to. She discovered that trusting in God was her only chance to not just escape, but to find happiness again.

Step 3 – Trust in God: Decide to turn your will and your life over to the care of God the Eternal Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.

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Those who face addictions often struggle with the consequences of their choices for many years, sometimes for their whole lives. The outcomes that are portrayed in this video series do not reflect the possible range of outcomes that may be experienced by others.

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