Why The Church Has Such a Long History of Leading in Education (Podcast)

Why The Church Has Such a Long History of Leading in Education Podcast by John Stonestreet for Break Point

Some people think that Christian interest in education is only instrumental. In other words, we start schools so that we can tell our kids about Jesus Christ and how to become Christians. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with that, but the Christian understanding of education goes much deeper.

Throughout human history, wherever the Church has gone, education has followed. This is because of how Christianity understands life and the world, particularly the nature of reality itself and the human person. Education doesn’t make sense in a worldview that is only about survival. In a worldview that is only about survival, education is only utilitarian.

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But within a worldview that says that the world itself came from a first cause that is intelligent, reasonable, knowable, and – this is important – wants to be known, there is solid grounding for actual knowledge, and therefore education.

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