Ministry Leader Reveals Prophetic Message About the Last Great Awakening

Ministry Leader Reveals Prophetic Message About the Last Great Awakening by Grant Berry for Charisma News This restoration message in the one new man in John 17 is about to be trumpeted to the ekklesia/church. We are on the verge of something wonderful for the body of Messiah, the body of Christ. To set a pathway before us of love and unity that ultimately will lead us to the fullness of God’s Glory, to the preparation of the Bride, the last great harvest of souls, Israel’s salvation, and the Lord’s return.…


The Game in Review

The Game in Review by James Howard Kunstler The upcoming twentieth anniversary of 9/11 is soon upon us and the horrifying videos are back in your face. Whatever way the twin towers came down — and, personally, I think those airplanes got’er done — the demolition provides a potent image for what is happening now: smoke billows out of the top floors, rather like a person with his hair on fire… and then each giant structure slumps into total collapse, sending shock-waves of toxic dust through the desecrated dwelling place…



IN A WORLD OF CONSTANT CHANGE, ONE THING REMAINS STABLE by Rachel Jones for Core Christianity A lot has changed in the last few decades. A lot has changed in the last few months! Some change is gradual. For instance, digital music sales are now far higher than physical music sales. Many new cars and computers have no way to play a CD. Yet a decade ago, CDs were still common merchandise in stores. Other times, our world is turned on its head in a moment. Most of us can remember…


COVID’s elephant in the room: The obesity epidemic

COVID’s elephant in the room: The obesity epidemic By Monica Showalter for American Thinker How’s this for a phony controversy? According to Tristan Justice at The Federalist: Sweetgreen CEO Jonathan Neman caught controversy this week after a viral since-deleted LinkedIn post linked the severity of the coronavirus pandemic with high levels of obesity. “[Seventy-eight percent] of hospitalizations due to COVID are Obese and Overweight people,” Neman wrote Tuesday citing March data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). “Is there an underlying problem that perhaps we have not given enough attention to? Is there another…


SELCO: The Reality of Medical Preparedness

SELCO: The Reality of Medical Preparedness by Selco Begovic for The Organic Prepper Author of The Dark Secrets of SHTF Survival and the online course SHTF Survival Boot Camp The reality of medical preparedness is that people often waste a lot of money on things that they don’t need or do not know how to use.  The purpose of this article is not to reduce the importance or quality of the previous article about stocking up on medical supplies. I find it more as a continuation of that article, perhaps taking a different angle…


Healing Soul and Body | Luke 5 (Video)

Healing Soul and Body | Luke 5 Video by Pastor Gary Hamrick for Cornerstone Chapel Life can take a toll on a person’s soul and body. Such was the case of a man in the Bible who desperately needed help. He had four friends who cared about him enough to bring him to Jesus. The encounter the man had with Jesus would dramatically change his life—both spiritually and physically. We can experience the same today when we have a personal encounter with Jesus too. He is still actively healing people,…


My Parents Were Brutal Dictators Who Controlled TV Time Like the Video Censors in Today’s China

My Parents Were Brutal Dictators Who Controlled TV Time Like the Video Censors in Today’s China By Andrew Malcolm for Red State My unelected parents dictated the rules of my youthful world like China’s Communists, if I had known anything about those people in that faraway place who were fighting a revolution there at the very same time in the 1940s. We had clear one-party rule in our house — two members of the National League of Parental Unity (NLPU) and me, a one-person proletariat. Its self-appointed ruling presidium of two…


What the Bible Says About Work

What the Bible Says About Work by Myra Kahn Adams for Town Hall Thanks for joining us this Labor Day weekend as we study what Scripture says about work. Let’s begin at the beginning with the Creation story  — the first time “work” is mentioned in the Bible: “By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the…