How Shall We Live in the Season of His Return? BLAKE LORENZ for Charisma News
Wake up, for the King is coming! It’s hard not to recognize that His time has come.
In Matthew 24:32-34, Jesus says, “The fig tree, its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near—at the doors! Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.”
The King gave you all the signs to know when His season would start. How can you not be ready? Have you not prepared for His return?
Israel was born in a day. Jerusalem is no longer trampled by the Gentiles. The global signs of His return are told across the world news and internet on a daily basis. He has sent one sign after another. You should know that His summer has come.
Thus Jesus introduces His five parables to teach us how to be about our Father’s business in this special moment in time. We are to be active and ready, busy preparing the way so we will not be like the Gentiles caught unaware that the King has come.
This opens the door to the parable as in the days of Noah, where Jesus tells us to get our house in order, so we will be ready for when He comes in the clouds of glory with His angels.
We are not to be like the Noah generation; so consumed with the things of this world, they were not about the purposes of God and refused to believe that judgment was coming.
Far too many, at least half of the Gentiles and Jews, will have their lives fixed on the temporary pleasures of this world. They will be unprepared for the next age to come.
We are to watch and be ready lest the thief break into our houses. Who is the thief that comes to steal, rob and destroy, but Satan and his demons. They are entering our households through the internet, books, television, movies, music by false prophets and false teachers indoctrinating us into secular humanism and the philosophies and false religions of men and demons.