No Vaccine Required…
Isn’t this something. The people profiting from the vaccine, screaming 24/7 to get the vaccine and the people regulating the vaccine are the ones that NOT REQUIRING their staff to take the vaccine…something to think about as you roll up your sleeve for the next “booster” – maybe this one will accomplish the goal they have in mind – and it’s not that your health improves.
History to be re-written.
1.5 Billion lowered into poverty
100 million starved to death (historical) 2020
We cannot allow this again.
Child orphan trains – real number 3 million children
History re-written
Every black Person Take NOTE— Shelley (@Theshells1111) August 26, 2021
Who’s tired of these stories coming out and nothing happening? If this were any other drug – ANY OTHER DRUG – it would have been pulled months ago. But not this drug, no sir, no ma’am, this drug is promoted at every level of society as being the end all, cure all, wonder-drug of a life time.
BREAKING: BBC presenter Lisa Shaw died due to complications from the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine, a coroner has found.
The healthy mother of one developed headaches a week after her first dose of the vaccine and suffered blood clots in the brain which ultimately led to her death.
— talkRADIO (@talkRADIO) August 26, 2021
It’s funny how this story is only being reported online – therapeutics are not allowed to treat this illness – vaccine only – triple shot and counting. Why? Why is there only one single answer to the China Virus question? Is anyone out there asking, pushing back on a mass scale?
“I would definitely recommend the monoclonal antibodies if they’re offered to you when you have COVID.” – Sara Keene, Nurse Anesthetist in Panama City
— Ron DeSantis (@GovRonDeSantis) August 26, 2021
Mean while in the penal colony of Australia…
JUST IN – Australia builds the first "quarantine facility" to "keep the community safe," Premier of Queensland
— (@disclosetv) August 26, 2021
So deadly…so very deadly.
A virus so deadly that masks can be disposed of like this…
— Matt Couch (@RealMattCouch) August 25, 2021
Ron DeSantis fires back at Biden:
“We are absolutely gonna stand in Biden’s way … He’s trying to find a way to distract from the failures of his presidency. That dog’s not gonna hunt.”
“Biden is obsessed with forcing kindergarteners to have to wear masks for eight hours/day.”
— Scott Morefield (@SKMorefield) August 25, 2021
Speaking of #NotMyPresdientBiden…it’s funny how we are told over and over that we have a two party system – that’s absolutely true – one party is 100% lawless and the other is 50% lawless you and I don’t belong to either party.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around how a phone call with the Ukrainian president was an impeachable offense but stranding thousands of Americans in Taliban-Controlled Afghanistan is not.
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) August 25, 2021
It appears President Trump is finally suing Twitter. We pray that he is successful in bringing justice to this tyrant, who allows pornography, terrorism and prostitution but bans Christian, conservatives at will.
Jack Dorsey has gotten a date with Trump in Court!
— 404_Not_Found (@4_04_Not_Found) August 26, 2021
Oh, let’s not forget that Twitter censored the Hunter Biden laptop story during the election of 2020. This is called treason, this is called corruption at the highest levels of government, if not, the government would have stopped it from happening, but the FCC, DoJ and all the spy agencies did nothing, said nothing and all stood down.
In the meantime enjoy Hunter’s profile pix all gathered here for your viewing pleasure – 100% of these images came from the first laptop – the second laptop hasn’t been rooted through at this point, but whatever is on it will be emerging soon enough. #NoyMyPresidentBiden’s son – imagine if this were Don, Jr while President Trump still occupied the White House! WOW!
Where is the linkedin profile?
— 404_Not_Found (@4_04_Not_Found) August 26, 2021