The Deep State and Afghanistan

The Deep State and Afghanistan By Selwyn Duke for American Thinker

The level of incompetence apparent in the Afghanistan withdrawal has been breathtaking. Even a smart 12-year-old, after all, would know that you have to evacuate American civilians and vulnerable allies before removing your military personnel. This reality has given rise to staggering speculation, that, for example, the powers-that-be desired this messy outcome. Some have even theorized that the goal, by hate-America-first Deep Staters, is to diminish the United States.

But what if the goal is actually to damage the Joe Biden administration, something that’s already a fait accompli?

What if some people who pull strings were so angry about our Afghan exit that they said, “Okay, you want a withdrawal? We’ll give you a withdrawal you’ll never forget.”

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I am one to often say, when addressing conspiracy theories especially, that you should never “attribute to malice what is better explained by stupidity.” This is generally a good guide, but the problem is that the Afghanistan fiasco is not better explained by stupidity. Oh, sure, it is true that people who believe boys can become girls, as many pseudo-elites do, aren’t exactly in touch with reality and that “the eye altering alters all” (including military operations). But as “Denton Scratch” — the pen name of a man identified as “a retired 30-year U.S. military veteran with experience in planning for noncombatant evacuation operations” — pointed out Saturday in “What the heck is going on with our military in Kabul?” to believe the “botched” withdrawal is mere incompetence, we have to believe that the military suddenly forgot how to perform numerous garden-variety operations that it has been performing for decades.

Then there’s investigative reporter Lara Logan, who has spent time in Afghanistan and has some sources. She said in a striking Tucker Carlson Today interview last Wednesday that “at its heart,” the withdrawal situation is “very simple”: It “comes down to the fact that the United States wants this outcome.”

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