HARD TIMES LEAD TO HARD QUESTIONS by Joni and FriendsĀ  for Core Christianity

GNN Note – God does really well with “what” questions. – like the question Paul ask on the Road to Damascus “What do you want me to do?” Another great question to ask God, is “What do you want me to know about X?” / END

Hard times are part of the human condition. They come in various forms, degrees, and life stages to both the innocent and the guilty. Some struggles originate from false beliefs, misguided choices, or selfish behaviors, and others seem arbitrary. But none of our troubles surprise God. InĀ John 16:33Ā Jesus warned his followers, ā€œIn the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.ā€ As believers, we face a choice: Will I allow suffering to overwhelm me and drive me away from God? Or will I cry out to God in my distress and come to Christ, the overcomer?


Why did a young motherā€™s legs have to be amputated after the bombing at the Boston Marathon? Why did a gunman open fire in a Charleston church one June evening killing nine innocent people? Why areĀ forty-three young childrenĀ diagnosed with cancer every day in America? Why was a mom saved alone while nine members of her family drowned when a tourist boat capsized in Branson, Missouri?

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These tragedies make no sense to us. Attempts to explain them frequently lead to conflicting views about how God works in the world. For example, Rabbi Harold S. Kushnerā€™s popular book,Ā When Bad Things Happen to Good People, describes God as a bystander who neither causes nor participates in any tragedy we might face. Godā€™s only role is to come alongside us after the fact, according to Kushner. If this were true, how can we call God the Sovereign Ruler of the universe? Other contemporary authors such as Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens (known atheists) pit the scientific community against Christianity, declaring war on the very existence of God. Such suppositions are in conflict with the truths in Godā€™s Word.

While Christians should be mindful of useful medical and scientific advances, we must remember whose we are and what we believe. Itā€™s okay to wrestle with Godā€™s truth, knowing he welcomes our questions.

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