A Bodyguard of Lies

A Bodyguard of Lies by James Howard Kunstler A bunch of readers sent me a video on the Odysee platform that seems to have lit up the Internet over the weekend, a conversation between the international lawyer Reiner Fuellmich and a character named David Martin, PhD, CEO of M-Cam, a company that researches and advises on intellectual property and patents, especially in medicine. Dr. Martin is “a fellow” at the University of Virginia School of Business Administration and formerly an assistant professor at UVa’s School of Medicine. Mr. Fuellmich is…


Injection Confiscation

Injection Confiscation Since we’re here anyway, you know, to give you the injection you don’t want, we should go ahead and confiscate your guns – are you alright with that plan? No? Well, what’s next? Should we just inject you and take your guns anyway? hmmm… Think about it. Hilarious #vaccine #Biden #VaccinesWork 😁😉 https://t.co/QHkuH0gVWv — Art Vandelay (@GreenMonsterah) July 12, 2021


Your Voice (Video)

Your Voice Video by Josh Baldwin Even the wind, even the waves obey Even the stars, even the skies cry out Your praise You speak and it is done You are the only One Even the wind, even the waves obey CHORUS Your voice is power Your voice is louder Your voice is drowning out the others like a mighty wave Oh what a sweet sound My heart is free now All of my fears go running when they hear the sound of Your voice VERSE 2 At Your command,…