The Hidden Ones of Revival

The Hidden Ones of Revival by REN SCHUFFMAN for Charisma News In March of 2020, I sat on a beach in Santa Cruz, California, with several pastors and released a vision the Lord had given me. Revival was coming, and it was coming soon. The short description of this detailed vision was that God was about to pour out upon the people the fire stored up in heaven. I believe we are in that coming season now. Who is going to lead this revival? Who will steward this fiery flow?…


The Coming of Strong Man Populism and the Power of ‘No!’

The Coming of Strong Man Populism and the Power of ‘No!’ by Kurt Schlichter for Town Hall Get ready for Strong Man Populism. The bad guys – the soft elite who think it can hold onto the societal power it inherited, but did not earn, through petty oppressions – will call it “authoritarianism.” Of course, they like authoritarianism when they are the authority – that’s why they feel no compunction about remaking our country and culture without bothering with obtaining our buy-in. But history teaches – not that they would know…


Did Jesus ever claim to be God? Is the deity of Christ biblical?

Did Jesus ever claim to be God? Is the deity of Christ biblical? from Compelling Truth The New Testament clearly teaches that Jesus claimed to be God. The Bible also affirms the deity of Christ. This is evident in a variety of ways. First, Jesus claimed to be equal with God. He could forgive sin, something only God could do (Mark 2:5). Jesus claimed power to raise the dead (John 5:25-29). He claimed to be honored as God (John 5:18, 23) as well as to be equal with the Father (John…


Why Wokeness is a Christian Heresy (Podcast)

Why Wokeness is a Christian Heresy Podcast by John Stonestreet and Glenn Sunshine for Break Point In 416 BC, during the Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta, Athens decided to attack the neutral island of Melos. When the Melians protested they had done Athens no wrong, the Athenians replied, “The strong do what they can; the weak suffer what they must.” The Melians were starved into surrender, their men were killed, and their women and children were sold into slavery. None of this was unusual in the ancient world. The…



HOW ARE YOU TO BE “MORE THAN A CONQUEROR”? by Justin Holcomb for Core Christianity Because of Jesus’ resurrection, all threats against you are tamed. Jesus conquered death, so death and evil are not the end of the story and we can have hope. To the One Who Conquers, I Will… In Revelation, one of the key themes is conquering through suffering. The number of occurrences of the verb “to conquer” throughout the Book of Revelation illustrate this theme.[1] John describes amazing promises made to Christians, addressing the promises specifically to…


Poor Diet Kills More than Cigarettes?! Key Study Shows We’re Eating Ourselves to Death

Poor Diet Kills More than Cigarettes?! Key Study Shows We’re Eating Ourselves to Death by Mike Barrett for Natural Society The Western diet is no longer unique to the United States. Many countries the world over have adopted a diet laden with *excess* salt, fat, sugar, and other health-compromising ingredients. Now, people are literally paying for it with their lives, according to a recently published global study. [1] Click for larger version. Researchers looked at the eating habits of people from 195 countries to estimate how much poor diets contribute to mortality.…


Biden Regime to Monitor Private Communications, Calls on SMS Carriers to “Dispel Misinformation About Vaccines That is Sent Over Social Media and Text Messages”

Biden Regime to Monitor Private Communications, Calls on SMS Carriers to “Dispel Misinformation About Vaccines That is Sent Over Social Media and Text Messages” By Cristina Laila for The Gateway Pundit The Biden regime is now calling on SMS carriers to “fact-check” text messages in an effort to stop ‘misinformation’ about the Covid-19 vaccine. Last Tuesday White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said the Biden Administration will be sending goons door-to-door to harass unvaccinated Americans. Biden confirmed that during his remarks last week and said his admin will focus on communities…