Rogue Mornings – Guest: Rory Hall – Gospel News Network by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network
The honor of sitting down with people you know and respect is something we should never take lightly. Sitting down with highly knowledgeable people is a treat and should be made to happen every time possible.
On Thursday 7/8/21 Producer CJ and V, the Guerrilla Economist presented just such an opportunity. We discussed current affairs, the Harris/Biden regime and the border wall. Of course, no one can sling a dead cat without hitting the Wuhan bat-flu stew and we discussed the Spiritual Warfare that is engulfing the enter country. All three of us laid our faith bare to all to see and it was a beautiful thing – Jesus Christ making His to the airwaves.
The devil made a brief appearance was promptly escorted to the curb. It is written that we just have to tell the devil to leave, in the name of Jesus Christ, and he must leave – so we did and he did.
Its a great show and we pray that you are entertained as well as informed over the coming hour.