Tweets 7/7/21

Tweets 7/7/21

Below is a group of random tweets that showed up earlier today. Some funny, some tragic and others, well, you decide.

Only racist speak about issues in terms of race. The next time the TV person speaks of an issue in terms of race, know they are a racist. The next time a politician speaks about an issue from a perspective of race, know they are a racist. When your minister / pastor speaks of an issue in terms of race, they are a racist. That’s how you define racism – a persons skin color is the issue, not the actual issue.

Another parent, calmly, explaining the truth about critical race theory.

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Carbon Tax = completely changing the economy = climate change

Can’t wait to elect more like her and Marjorie Taylor Greene

Let’s get back to basics. Basics of humanity.

When you live in an upside-down backwards world, this is what you get. Call the pharmacist and ask them about the ingredients list for the Wuhan bat-flu stew vaccine. Then let us know in the comment section what they have to say.

Green New Deal – Climate Change – Global Warming – Earth Day – Save The Planet…okay, all sounds great, but let’s start with everyone keeping their sidewalk swept, their bed made and trash picked up from their yard. Once you do that simple list, we can then talk about the next step. Until then, keep your pie-in-the-sky nonsense to yourself.

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