The BEAST SYSTEM – COVID CON BLOWBACK from State of the Nation
There are now huge and irreparable cracks opening up in the Covid Plandemic façade.
For example, there is this recent predicament that’s occurring more and more frequently as the Covid hoaxsters desperately attempt to perpetuate the THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC.
This is a HUGE development!
The Covid façade is cracking up in real time.
The extraordinarily unique thing about this greatest global criminal conspiracy in world history is that it had to involve everyone—every major institutional entity, that is, which was necessary to carry out this ginormous hoax.
What that means is that the BEAST SYSTEM revealed just how powerful and pervasive it really is across the planet.
The following graphic captures only some of those institutional entities and globalist movements which have comprised the BEAST SYSTEM from the very beginning. It also includes some fierce opponents who have exposed the current CORONAhoax.
Even a cursory examination of the preceding COVID-5G conspiracy diagram reveals that every major global and national institution, which is vital to the continuity of the BEAST SYSTEM, has put itself on the ever-emerging “Covid Crime Spree Map”.
Perhaps first among those criminal organizations is the Government-Medical Complex (GMC) which has participated in this unprecedented global genocide as the primary operational Covid criminal.
The GMC includes the WHO, CDC, FDA, NIH, AMA, Big Pharma, and several other healthcare heavyweights who have both conspired to conduct a tremendously complex criminal conspiracy to commit global genocide, and cover up the worldwide Covid crime wave.
From the outset, the chances of keeping such a complicated criminal conspiratorial plot from completely unraveling were slim to none, and truly much closer to “NONE”. For how could the countless co-conspirators ever be counted on to stick together when the going got rough—really rough as it is about to go as the prospects of another global lockdown increase due to the non-existent and utterly fake ‘Delta variant’.