Liars, Criminals and Devils…In Charge

Liars, Criminals and Devils…In Charge

It’s amazing how childish, unprofessional and terrified the left becomes when their is a threat to their power, their narrative and their regime. These people are not in the least bit interested in discourse nor debate – power by force is all they know and the way they operate. The demons yelling and banging in the background prove this point time and again. They are all the same, no matter where they reside. They answer to the darkness, they live in darkness and they want us all to be as godless as themselves.

Then if one turns to the border situation, you know the border that President Trump was called a nazi because he wanted to close it properly, yeah, that border. Well, turns out that whole situation is far worse than any of us could ever even begin to imagine.

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Sara Carter is a respected voice, well known journalist who has been on the border for the past several months. She continually digs up some of the darkest, ugliest messes on planet earth that are happening right at our border. Still think the democrats ignoring this situation is happenstance?

The good news is more and more people are beginning to remind these devils and monsters that we out number them by some 500 or is it 5,000 to 1 either way. We the people actually have the power and we will rise up. We’ve done it before and we will do it again.

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