Tweets 6/19/21
Remember this when someone looks at you sideways because you refuse to cut off the oxygen to your system or says something about a vaccine.
Reminder folks….
For those that call you selfish, just hit back with this…
— DJSharpieD (@SharpieDj) June 19, 2021
WOW!! Where are the adults in the room, oh yeah, sitting down while the 9 year old child is standing up, pushing back. Courage is contagious, so be courageous!!
You’ve got to check out this 9 year old elementary school girl SMOKE THE SCHOOL BOARD😲! You know it’s bad when kids have morals and call you a lier, TO YOUR FACE😳. You go girl👊
— Late Night with Bobby D (@LateNightBobbyD) June 18, 2021
This one is a little more involved but worth the time – the representative points out the theft at the very top while kicking the people to the curb.
The El Salvador-#Bitcoin model fixes the Canadian problem
— Max Keiser (@maxkeiser) June 19, 2021
There is no real problem at the border, just people coming into the country illegally – you know, committing a crime – they only want a better life. Most do, some don’t. When there is no rule of law the criminals and crime will always rise.
#Hannity Exclusive:
Children as young as 8 years old sold into prostitution at border.
— Sara A. Carter (@SaraCarterDC) June 18, 2021
Communist are everywhere. For those who still have the misguided belief the corporate media represents your views, you may want to look at this.
Neutral? When was that ever the case…
— Simply Mark (@livelovethinkex) June 19, 2021
If the above message represents your views that means you support the harris/biden regime and the communist left. That also means you’re probably not as Christian as you claim.
Time for “Fun with Cats!”
— Cats (@CatsCatsTv) June 16, 2021
When the communist state comes knocking at your door, change the sign on the door!
Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.
— Spinte.HODL ∞/21M ☣🐝🌋 (@spinte8) June 17, 2021
It’s a funny thing, this Wuhan bat-flu stew. Some things, like riots, are perfectly acceptable, while others, like praising God, not so much.
You can do this, but you can’t sing hymns in church.
— Adrian Hilton (@Adrian_Hilton) June 18, 2021
If you’re not familiar with Operation Mockingbird you should take time to look it up. It is alive and well.
This is amazing. Last night I did a Fox segment on how the FBI and CIA have more power over the US corporate media than ever. It used to be clandestine but now they put their operatives right in the newsrooms. It's Operation Mockingbird, but not hidden:
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) June 19, 2021