No communion for Joe and Nancy

No communion for Joe and Nancy By Silvio Canto, Jr. for American Thinker

We’re always skeptical of polls but this one confirms what I hear from the people I go to mass with. This is from Catholic Vote:

As America’s Catholic bishops are set to discuss letting pro-abortion President Joe Biden receive Communion despite rejecting key church teachings, a new survey has already delivered an answer: No.

The survey of regular churchgoers from the conservative group CatholicVote found that 74% believe that Biden should not receive Communion, a holy symbol of the Last Supper.

In the wording of the poll, however, those opposed said that politicians like Biden who don’t follow church teachings should not “present” themselves to a priest for Communion, not that the priest should refuse the president.

What’s more, 83% of Catholics who regularly attend Mass said that by endorsing positions such as abortion that are contrary to Vatican doctrine, politicians “create confusion and disunity.”

Confusion and disunity is an understatement. It confuses the heck out of young people who are caught between the culture and the church teachings.

As a Catholic, I’ve always felt that the Vatican should be very clear on the matter of abortion. This is a matter of life and death. We’ve terminated 50 million lives in the U.S. because of abortion. God only knows what the international number is!

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