God’s Presence Changes Everything

God’s Presence Changes Everything by MATTHEW LILLEY for Charisma News God’s presence changes everything. This is the tagline of the Presence Pioneers podcast, but it’s more than a slogan for me. The summer after my high school graduation, I found myself on a dirty youth camp floor in eastern North Carolina. I was overcome by the power of the Holy Spirit and laid there for hours encountering God’s love. It was an extended time of worship after the messages, with a young worship leader in the corner singing simple love songs to…


Suddenly, ‘The Population Bomb’ Is a Population Bust

Suddenly, ‘The Population Bomb’ Is a Population Bust By Stephen Moore for CNS News Paul Ehrlich wrote one of the most famous and bestselling books of the 20th century. It was called “The Population Bomb.” It was 300 pages of doom and gloom. The planet was being destroyed because human beings were reproducing like Norwegian field mice. It was a Darwinian nightmare leading the species inexorably back to a Neanderthal subsistence level existence. We learned this from the book’s memorable, often-quoted, and apocalyptic opening: The battle to feed all of humanity…



THE REASON WE DON’T FEEL THE WEIGHT OF OUR SIN by Dane C. Ortlund for Core Christianity What Our Sins Evoke It is probably impossible to conceive of the horror of hell and of the ferocity of retributive justice and righteous wrath that will sweep over those found on the last day to be out of Christ. Perhaps a word like ferocity here makes it sound as if God’s wrath will be uncontrolled or blown out of proportion. But there is nothing uncontrolled or disproportionate in God. The reason we feel as…


CDC Says Keep Masking Kids or Open a Window

CDC Says Keep Masking Kids or Open a Window by Dr. Joseph Mercola GNN Note – Confused yet? Time to make decisions based on personal research and knowledge? Time to start digging into for ourselves and learning from people not on TV? /END The widespread masking of schoolchildren during the pandemic represents an unprecedented experiment, which experts believe may have lasting physical and psychological consequences.1 In the U.S., the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s operational strategy for K-to-12 schools continues to recommend the “consistent use of prevention strategies, including universal…


Hunter Biden’s laptop keeps damning Joe, but most media just ignore it

Hunter Biden’s laptop keeps damning Joe, but most media just ignore it By Post Editorial Board of New York Post Hunter Biden’s laptop continues to yield damning information that shows his dad, President Joe Biden, played a significant and knowing role in his son’s sleazy influence-peddling. And while the media efforts to pretend these revelations are nothing but “Russian disinformation” have ceased, The Post’s scoops still get ignored by outlets that would be all over them if they were about the Trump family. The latest, of course, is the photographic…


Which Flowers are Great for Vegetable Gardens

Which Flowers are Great for Vegetable Gardens by Linda Loosli  for Food Storage Moms Did you know that every vegetable garden should have some flowers planted nearby to help the vegetables thrive? One of the reasons you should plant flowers near your vegetable garden is to attract bees. Bees help pollinate the plants and that gives you more veggies at harvest time. But, which flowers are great for vegetable gardens? Find out below! Why You Want Flowers in Your Vegetable Garden There are a variety of edible flowers you can…


An Undeniable Testimony About the Power of the Holy Spirit

An Undeniable Testimony About the Power of the Holy Spirit by SHANE IDLEMAN for Charisma News By age 28, my life was filled with what the world offered, but I was empty inside. I was at a turning point. I could choose to turn to God or continue to reject Him. By God’s grace, I repented and put my complete trust in Christ. Although far from perfect, God radically transformed and redirected my life through the power of the Holy Spirit. He can do the same for you. Acts 1:8a…