The Globalist Papers Part I – Operating In Unison by Liberty Nation Staff
Vaccine passports and Critical Race Theory
Editor’s Note: The Globalist Papers are a series of articles, thought experiments, and op-eds that examine what is behind the push for a globalist movement and why individual governments and corporations move in lockstep with each other. These reports are part of a growing movement of ideas on what it means to be a free, independent, sovereign nation.
Nations act in unison on policy, procedure, and regulation, seemingly in response to individual challenges, yet few in the Fourth Estate flinch at such unlikely happenstance. Slogans and goals meld together from one side of the Atlantic to another, and yet the populous still believe their governments are singing from a separate hymn sheet.
More and more, national governments seem to march to the globalist tune.
On The Horizon
When events happen, it is often useful to think of them as part of a plan (not in a literal sense, but more as “how will our globalist leaders utilize this to their advantage?”). We see concurrent events that appear part of an unstoppable march, all without the proposed action ever having been campaigned for or voted upon.
Consider the vaccine passport scheme. Are there any major Western nations that aren’t actively engaged in setting up what could easily be described as a two-tier system? Not only is this scheme set for international travel, but also for entry into venues, restaurants, even public transport. How long before access to health care comes under the hammer? The justification for keeping people out of music venues is that they pose a risk to other people; it is possible that this will be stretched to include access to hospitals.
And what of Critical Race Theory? This is an elusive doctrine that asks for all education and workplace interactions to be viewed through the prism of race and racial inequality. Were any voters asked if they wanted this in the schools? Was any worker hired on the understanding that the color of their skin would be the topic of debate and discussion?
It has become all too easy to spot which schemes operate above and beyond the scope of national government. Look to any major Western nation to see what fresh madness is being concocted, and assume that it will hit your own shores soon enough.