Transgenderism: All of these minor changes amount to a cultural sea change

Transgenderism: All of these minor changes amount to a cultural sea change by JONATHON VAN MAREN for Life Site News

GNN Note – The big push to convince as many young people as possible they are some kind of sexual deviant is now on full blast. Remember, the big push for all these unHoly issues and policies is being fast tracked because the witch, Hillary, didn’t get into office. She was suppose to win and put all this stuff into place over 4 years. Now the satanic globalist are 4 years behind schedule. /END

Let’s survey just a few recent stories.

I noticed the other day that one of the LGBT activists who enjoys chronicling my columns wrote another piece saying that I am a fearmonger. Specifically, I am a fearmonger because I have spent several years chronicling the myriad ways in which the gender ideologues have embarked on the total eradication of biological sex and the transformation of our society.

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Sure, I get that in the grand scheme of things a cereal company launching a Pride Month Kellogg’s box telling kids to pick their pronouns (“they/them” being a grammatically confusing option) is minor, but the reality is that all of these minor changes amount to a cultural sea change that has been surging up the beach, inch by inch.

To illustrate this point, let’s survey just a few recent stories.

Reuters noted on May 17 that the French Rugby Federation (FFR) will be permitting biological men (“transgender women”) to play in the women’s rugby league next season. This is after the governing body, World Rugby, issued guidelines last year after “months of research” stating that it had “concluded that safety and fairness cannot presently be assured for women competing against trans women in contact rugby.” FFR stated that they will instead implement a testosterone threshold that will in fact allow those still “transitioning” to play. FFR’s board voted unanimously on this decision.

In a statement that might leave readers wondering what the point of having a league specifically for women might be, FFR vice president Serge Simon stated that: “Rugby is an inclusive, sharing sport, without distinction of sex, gender, origin, or religion.” One would think a women’s league would be exclusive to women, but there you have it.

Also on May 17, reported that the Peel District School Board in Ontario, Canada, will be flying the Transgender Flag — because the rainbow is now passé. In a release the board stated: “The international Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia is an opportunity for PDSB students and staff to acknowledge and reflect on violence and discrimination experienced by 2SLGBTQ+ communities.” The kids are presumably being faithfully taught the ever-expanding categories which those acronyms represent, as well as their potential for membership in each.

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